Friday, February 29, 2008

And So It Begins...

As much as I hate to admit it, my passion for cooking is not a result of growing up in the kitchen with my mother and grandmother learning cherished family recipes. No, the only thing my mother hated more than cooking was doing it with someone else in the kitchen. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "THIS IS A ONE BUTT KITCHEN!!" I would indeed be a wealthy woman. It took a couple of years of living alone and in poverty to realize what a joy cooking can be. That's right, I credit my love of the culinary arts to being poor. Specifically, I credit the fact that food in its most natural state is not only healthier, but less expensive and easier to "stretch" if you will.

I truly believe that cooking is an art form and one that requires tools. Now, I will be the first to admit that bare hands are the best kitchen tool. I will also be the first to scoff at new fangled, over-priced and one-use gadgets. I would be lying, however, if I did not admit that many of the items in my kitchen not only fuel my creativity, but have become some of my most prized possessions. It's creepy, I know, but it is my hope that through this blog I can help sway those who are on the fence about making an investment, or just shed some light on something new that seems worth while. Consider it a product review blog as well as a forever updated "What I want for my birthday or Christmas" list.

I will leave things at that, for now. My first "official" post will be in praises of my 5.5qt. Le Creuset dutch oven (color: Kiwi), however I am holding out until I can get a profession family portrait taken with my beloved pot (my boyfriend is welcome to sit in as well...if he wants).

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